Fitness Gym Success Story


Active marketing leads to healthy sales.

lnfusionsoft's 2012 Ultimate Marketer winner wowed attendees at lnfusionCon with their story. In just a few short years, Iron Tribe Fitness grew from a few friends working out in Forrest Walden's garage to opening its sixth location and selling 32 franchises of their popular Tone Body Fitness centers across the southeastern US.

How do you attract and capture leads?

“While referrals drive more than 75% of our leads, marketing lives at the forefront of our business model It's a big reason that attrition has been below 4% monthly for two years now.

We run direct response-style advertisements in everything from local print publications to radio, television, outdoor (billboards), SEO, SEM, and internally generated multimedia content that flows through all of our social media and websites.

Infusionsoft web forms are a huge part of our lead capturing strategies. From embedding these web forms on ‘Contact us' pages, to using them on our website homepages and as banner advertisements via SEM, these forms have been vital in generating new leads.”

What's your follow-up process like?

“We have several different tags and actions that occur, depending on the information entered within each web form.

We have two different free reports written with classic direct response elements including bold headlines, an irresistible offer, ironclad guarantees and social proof. Another standard action is a 12·step follow-up email sequence that educates the prospect on the nine fundamental movements of our Iron Tribe program.”

How do your location managers get and follow up with leads?

“We use assignments and tags to organize each of our facility manager's Infusionsoft user home pages. Based on which web form a prospect fills out, they are initially assigned to the respective Iron Tribe Fitness manager's Infusionsoft user account. From there, they use our sales scripts. Infusionsoft pre-built email templates and other strategies to try and close the sale.”

Bottom line, how has Infusionsoft impacted your business?

“It has allowed us to scale our business model for the average operator to have the ability to run an Iron Tribe Fitness location, preserving our sales and marketing workflow to a degree that consistently brings in leads. All of our marketing flows through the web and ultimately through our Infusionsoft database, which is divided strategically between each of our locations via contact assignments set in the user permissions.”

Iron Tribe Fitness

Case Study
Birmingham, AL
Jim Cavale & Forrest Walden

Key Results:

Net profit increased 310%
Lead capture leaped by 308%
Sold 32 franchises in just 8 months

“With Infusionsoft, we're controlling every step of everything we do when it comes to the sales and marketing process.”

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About the author 

Marc P Summers

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